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Chinese media and Japan

I really don’t like the ways that Chinese media report the issues between Japan and China. Although Japan isn’t my favorite county, I don’t support the activities that Chinese TV and newspapers are accustomed to uglify and dwarf Japan and Japanese people as well. What worries me most is the popularity of the so-called anti-Japanese-god dramas filled with the TV screens of Chinese people these years. In my opinion, even the enemy should be given proper respect. If the Chinese media advocated the inappropriate information to Chinese people continuously, it would be nothing but definitely be misguiding the whole Chinese people. There are numerous bloody lessons in Chinese history. In late Qing Dynasty, the government intendedly instigated the innocent masses, who were called Boxers, to fight bare-handedly with the powerful foreigners armed with guns and cannons, and to protect the corrupted emperor. Unfortunately and undoubtedly, it is well-known that many Boxers were killed sinlessly. Several years ago, when Japanese government declared to nationalize the Diaoyu Island, it is also well-known that a lot of Japanese brand cars owned by Chinese people were destroyed by another group of Chinese, just in the name of anti-Japanese.

I have to ask a question - when we Chinese people are able to stop psychosexuality. If Japan was as weak as what was portrayed by the Chinese media and TV series, why we even had to spend eight years to beat back the Japanese invasion 75 years ago, and at this moment why we still allow the Japanese flag to wave on the center of Diaoyu Island which belongs to China. We Chinese people should keep calmly and rationally so that we can cope with the future threat of Japan effectively. I believe probably the Qing media were as swaggering as that of today before the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.


Tags: China Japan

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