Juliu River巨流河

Juliu River (巨流河) is an excellent book of which the background was when old China was invaded by Japanese about 70 years ago. If you don’t read the book, possibly you can’t imagine how miserable the old Chinese people were. Numerous Chinese people lost their home and fled in a panic. Many Chinese people had to keep running away and running away to escape from Japanese army and tried to survive in the troubled times difficultly. They got away from the northeast of china, then fled to the south and then to the west. The nation nearly clasped into dust and a lot of families lost their relatives. Young students had to leave the school to join the army and to shoulder the responsibilities to protect our country. Furthermore,  millions of Chinese people were killed by Japanese army. It is definitely a bloody history and should be remembered by every Chinese people forever. However, though we can’t forget the violence that Japan used to do on us, it also makes us treasure the valuable peace today.

Below is one of my favorite paragraphs:

上一篇: Chinese media and Japan
下一篇: 心动
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Tags: 巨流河 抗日 国民党 Japan China 齐邦媛
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